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Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Glenn Beck Cuts Down The Cherry Tree

Glenn Beck, the controversial Fox News host, during his much-ballyhooed "Restoring Honor" rally on Saturday said:
"I have been going to Mt. Vernon," he explained. Holding out his hands for emphasis, he declared with emotion, "I went to the National Archives, and I held the first inaugural address written in his own hand by George Washington."
Beck also highlighted the legacy of the nation's first president to drive home his claim that encouraging honesty and integrity was a main aim of the event. Beck even told attendees that "the next George Washington" was "in this crowd. He may be 8 years old, but this is the moment. This is the moment that he dedicates his life, that he sees giants around him. And 25 years from now, he will come not to this stair, but to those stairs. And he can proclaim, 'I have a new dream.'"

But I guess the "honesty and integrity" thing is tough for Beck.  National Archives spokeswoman Susan Cooper insists that Beck didn't lay a finger on any precious documents, much less George Washington’s inaugural address. That would be a major violation of policy. "Those kinds of treasures are only handled by specially trained archival staff," she explains. Cooper acknowledges that someone at the archives did show the document to Beck, but that was the extent of it. Regarding Beck's claim that he held the document, Cooper says that seeing such documents for the first time can be a very emotional experience. "I'm certain it was a figure of speech," she says.


What's worse, Beck has a history of chiding others for lying and stretching the truth to bolster his own incendiary rhetoric. In April, for instance, the Rev. Jim Wallis wrote an op-ed in the Washington Post criticizing Beck for suggesting that the term "social justice" was "code" for communism and for encouraging his radio show listeners to flee churches that promote social justice. Beck retorted by quoting the Bible to Wallis: "Thou shalt not lie." Groups like Media Matters soon found clips from Beck's show where he said precisely what Wallis had claimed he did.

Yet getting caught in lies hasn't ever stopped Beck from holding himself up as someone with the honesty of, well, George Washington. He even has his own version of a cherry-tree-chopping tale, which he recounted during a February show in a segment dedicated to the "Lies Politicians Tell."

He told viewers:

When I was a kid, growing up you could get away with just about anything in my house except for lying. You did not want to lie in my house. I'll never forget the day my sister decided to play hooky. My dad worked in the bakery all day, so we never saw him in the light of day. My other sister and I were a little surprised when my dad picked us up and the sun was still out. He said, "Where's your sister? Be careful what you say. Remember, we tell the truth in this family."
He made us both sit in the backseat. At this point, we knew bad things were about to go down. When we finally found my other sister, dad pulled up next to her: "So, how was school?" He kept asking and asking, letting her dig the hole deeper. I think I got only like three spankings in my life. My sisters never got any—until that day. The belt made an appearance.
Papa Beck would have to pull out the belt of this one.  And so much for "restoring honor."


  1. I will not tell a lie. I will not tell a lie. I will not tell a lie. I will not tell a lie. I will not tell a lie. I will not tell a lie.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. I can stand the pompous ass! He morphs into whatever will make himself more money and his gullible audience/followers more frightened/happier? (who knows) every day. Now he's being spoken to by God and a Evangelical "Mormon?" preacher. All I know is a lying bastard and disgusts me!!!

  4. Doeidgr: I so agree with you. Well said. Yeah, GOD speaks to Beck! What a delusional fuck he is.
